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Secure payments


PayPalis the world's leading international payment system using credit cardwhich allows you to securely (without disclosing financial information) online payments in over 190 countries.

Payments using this system can be made via raised payment cardsVISAandMASTERCARDand flat debit cards: VISA ELECTRONandVISA GOLD.

You pay directly from your account or card.

Your payment is almost immediately booked, thanks to which we will send your order faster.


Numerous PayU security certificates guarantee 100% certainty and transaction security

You pay directly from yours PayU accounts or via:
  • payment and credit card . (payment carried out immediately)

  • Fast electronic payments . (payment carried out immediately)

  • Traditional transfer


Your payment is almost immediately booked, thanks to which we will send your order faster.

CoinGate - płatności kryptowaluty

CoinGate - Cryptocurrencies

You can pay quickly and easily using cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and 50 others

We make domestic and foreign payments